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      Executive Directors and Non-executive Directors

      HUANG Jian
      Founder, Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors
      ZHENG Wenbin
      Executive Director and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
      LI Youquan
      Executive Director and General Manager
      LIU Zhen
      Non-executive Director
      WANG Yalong
      Non-executive Director
      HUANG Danyan
      Executive Director and Deputy General Manager

      Independent Non-executive Directors

      XIAO Wei
      Independent Non-executive Director
      CHEN Aihua
      Independent Non-executive Director
      LAM Yiu Por
      Independent Non-executive Director

      Audit Committee

      CHEN Aihua (Chairman) XIAO Wei LAM Yiu Por

      Remuneration and Appraisal Committee

      XIAO Wei (Chairman) LI Youquan CHEN Aihua

      Nomination Committee

      HUANG Jian(Chairman) XIAO Wei CHEN Aihua

      Strategy Committee

      HUANG Jian(Chairman) ZHENG Wenbin LAM Yiu Por
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